The NABPR in conjunction with Mercer University Press is calling for proposals for the series, Perspectives on Baptist Identities. Proposals accepted for publication will be granted a $500 stipend upon completion of the manuscript. Authors will receive editorial and marketing support from both Mercer Press and NABPR.
Please submit proposals for book length contributions to the series editors: Dr. João B. Chaves [email protected] and/or Dr. Kate Hanch [email protected]. Either monograph proposals or promising collections of essays will be considered. The proposal should include:
The title of the proposed volume.
A 250 word book summary. The summary should identify the project’s subject, thesis, method, scope, limitations, and potential significance.
An annotated Table of Contents, that is, the chapter titles plus a two or three sentence description of each chapter.
An estimate of the work already completed and a proposed completion date.
A sample chapter from the book.
Four or five comparable titles and an identification of the target audience of the book.
A current CV, listing education, all academic and professional positions, and major academic publications.