Doug Weaver
Dr. Weaver has been at Baylor University since 2003 and is a tenured full professor in the Department of Religion. He is a member of the Department’s Historical Studies area and his current research and teaching focus on Baptist history and Pentecostalism. In fall 2019, Baylor University Press will publish his Baptists and the Holy Spirit: The Contested History with the Holiness-Pentecostal-Charismatic Traditions. Dr. Weaver offered a survey of Baptist history as a search for the New Testament church, examined the work of 20th century Baptist leader, E. Y. Mullins, and the importance of freedom of conscience and ecclesiology in Baptist life. He recently co-authored a book with Aaron Weaver, Different and Distinctive But Nevertheless Baptist. A History of Northminster Baptist Church, Jackson, MS (Mercer University Press, 2018).
Dr. Weaver teaches at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. He offers graduate seminars, supervises doctoral students and gives attention to an introductory undergraduate Christian heritage course (editing a reader published by Baylor University Press). Dr. Weaver is part of the Department’s administrative team with his service as Interim Department Chair.
Before coming to Baylor, Dr. Weaver taught and was educated at academic institutions in the Baptist tradition. He is a member of Calvary Baptist Church and has pastoral experience. Dr. Weaver and his wife, Pat, are native Virginians. The Weavers have two children (Aaron and Andrea, both Baylor graduates) and five grandchildren (Camden James, James Oliver, Maci Brooke, Miriam Grace, and Hannah Justice). Professor Weaver is a lifelong devoted fan of the New York Yankees. His office, in the Tidwell Bible Building, is known for its collection of New York Yankees and Christian history bobblehead figures.